Aiming for the pole position

The transition from combustion engines to electric drives is taking hold in the international “Formula Student” competition, too. Under their streamlined bonnets, the racing cars have to be completely rethought and redeveloped. The “FaSTDa” student racing team from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is also rising to this challenge. They have now presented their new “F 24” racing car to the public for the first time on the university campus.

By Simon Colin, 27.5.2024

Four hub motors in the wheels instead of a combustion engine under the bonnet, all parts controlled electrically: in the development of its “F 24” electric racing car, the h_da Formula Student team headed by team leader Vanessa Kreß is adopting a completely new approach. More in demand than ever are fellow students from electrical engineering. They are responsible for designing circuit boards, programming software, and building a powerful and particularly safe battery. This is a very important part of the Formula Student race regulations.

The car’s bodywork has also evolved, as the best possible aerodynamics have a positive effect on the vehicle’s handling. The front and rear wings have been redesigned, “bull wings” now give it a more aggressive look. “They make our new racing car look faster, sleeker and more dynamic,” says Vanessa Kreß. The weight of the chassis and the cockpit has been optimised. At the same time, it is now easier to undertake electrical work on the car “because clean cable management is important,” explains student Jan Hermanns, Head of Electronics in the h_da racing team.

“When switching to an electric drive, you have to rethink more or less everything, even if the racing cars look similar on the outside. However, this challenge is also a great opportunity, as it allows the students to learn precisely the things we expect from them apart from technical expertise: critical questioning of what is already established, working systematically towards a goal and the courage to strike out in a new direction now and again,” says Faculty Advisor Professor Florian Van de Loo from the Faculty of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering, who is supervising the student team.

This year, the h_da team wants to compete with its new racing car in the Formula Student races in Croatia, Hungary and the Czech Republic in July and August. What they especially have in mind are the endurance races – 22 kilometres in one go.


A good 50 students from 16 study programmes at h_da are actively involved in the FaSTDa team. They are supervised by Professor Florian Van de Loo and other colleagues from the Faculty of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, who also give them advice as and when required. The racing car project is backed by a number of companies. A list of the sponsors and further information on the team and the project can be found on the project website, on Facebook and on Instagram (@fastda_racing).


Christina Janssen
Science Editor
University Communication
Tel.: +49.6151.533-60112

Translation: Sharon Oranski