ChatGPT in higher education
Over 90 percent of students use AI-based tools
Making science fit for the future
h_da is playing a leading role in establishing a National Research Data Infrastructure
Talking to the deceased with the help of avatars
Emotion researcher Katrin Döveling on new AI technologies for the bereaved
“What remains are the learning processes”
With h_da’s help, Fischbachtal is preparing the ground for climate-friendly urban land use planning
"Changing people's way of thinking"
Students and teachers are involved in the "Project Innovation Hub" for cooperation with universities in the Middle East and North Africa
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ChatGPT in higher education
Making science fit for the future
Talking to the deceased with the help of avatars
“What remains are the learning processes”
"Changing people's way of thinking"
From beer to broccoli
Brainstorming with avatars
Suggestions for a fair financial system
Work Psychology: “The Pleasure of Performance"
EUT+: Rail adventures across Europe
Agriculture: Top-level research in Europe
Hate Speech: “We need a warning light”
Architecture: Impromtpu designs for utopia?
EUT+: “Darmstadt is much nicer than I expected”
Rethinking the use of church buildings
EUT+ project: Getting up to speed
Mobility: Stuck in traffic or up and away
“There is more hype than actual change”
The Wolf Controversy
“The effort for consumers must be minimal”
Broadening horizons and making a bang
“New problems call for new experts”
Making the twilight zone a little brighter
Opening doors
Spotlight on bias
Funding the fight against climate change
Virtual Deserts
The Advertising Game
Vanilla - a powerful ingredient against poverty
“That would trigger a chain reaction”
“Intensive livestock farming is ethically reprehensible”
Wind power has a waste problem
“This is shaking up the whole construction industry”
Right to award doctoral degrees
Reinventing the wheel
More than a mere buzzword
The Pioneers of Material Flow
Cutting-edge Research at h_da
“Challenging and very competitive”
Hunting down proteins
“I’ve always fought against being made a victim.”
Trawling for Hate in the Network
“Well-ordered Chaos”
“It’s all about climate neutrality”
Energy from iron
“They would have tickled Shakespeare’s fancy”
“We need alternatives to Facebook and Twitter”
Mindful De-globalization
Dr. rer. sust.: Doctoring Sustainability
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ChatGPT in higher education
Making science fit for the future
Talking to the deceased with the help of avatars
"Changing people's way of thinking"
Brainstorming with avatars
Agriculture: Top-level research in Europe
Hate Speech: “We need a warning light”
EUT+ project: Getting up to speed
Mobility: Stuck in traffic or up and away
Broadening horizons and making a bang
Spotlight on bias
Virtual Deserts
Wind power has a waste problem
Reinventing the wheel
Cutting-edge Research at h_da
“Challenging and very competitive”
Hunting down proteins
Trawling for Hate in the Network
“Well-ordered Chaos”
Energy from iron
Dr. rer. sust.: Doctoring Sustainability
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